
Frankfurt / Main (dpa / lhe) - Since the weekend, medical masks have to be worn on buses and trains to protect against the corona virus.

Today, Monday, the transport companies in Hesse are starting distribution campaigns for surgical masks and FFP2 masks.

The Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund (RMV) and the Frankfurter Verkehrsgesellschaft VGF start at 8 a.m. at the Frankfurter Hauptwache.

The Hessian Transport Minister Tarek Al-Wazir (Greens) is also there.

The masks are given free of charge.

The RMV has ordered hundreds of thousands of medical masks.

They should initially be distributed by mobile teams and later also be available in sales offices in the region.

The more expensive FFP2 masks are initially provided free of charge and later at cost price.

The North Hessian Transport Association (NVV) will also distribute masks.

These should be given to customers free of charge at the most important stops.

During controls, passengers would be advised of the stricter mask requirement, but violations would not be punished until February.

They then cost 50 euros.


The stricter mask requirement in public transport, shops and church services has been in effect since Saturday.

A cloth, scarf or a fabric mask is no longer enough.

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