
Parchim (dpa / mv) - After an unannounced demonstration against the Corona restrictions in West Mecklenburg, the police are investigating more than 100 participants.

As a police spokesman said on Monday in Rostock, despite the strict regulations, around 500 people gathered in Parchim on Sunday evening.

In coordination with the regulatory office of the Ludwigslust-Parchim district, the meeting was not dissolved.

The groups went through the city center in two elevators.

In about 100 cases, reports were made for not wearing mouth and nose protection as well as violations of distance rules and prohibition of contact.

Two participants, who are said to have called for the meeting via social media, are also being investigated for violating the Assembly Act.

A week ago around 200 people demonstrated against the corona restrictions in Parchim.

In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, such “protest walks” were common on Monday evenings, especially in Rostock, Neubrandenburg, Stralsund and Usedom.

The last incidence in the district was 140.2 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within a week, and 106.5 in the entire state.

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