
Erfurt (dpa / th) - Thuringia's Environment Minister Anja Siegesmund (Greens) reacted with incomprehension to statements by Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow (left) in a panel discussion on the Clubhouse social audio platform.

"Whoever speaks at Clubhouse must know what he is doing," Siegesmund told the German Press Agency in Erfurt on Monday.

It is important to her that Ramelow “apologized for the belittling of women in politics, which unfortunately is typical for men”.

“That's a good thing,” said the Green politician.

Ramelow is said to have referred to Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) as "Merkelchen" during the talk on the platform.

He had apologized for it over the weekend.

The head of Thuringia's red-red-green minority government expressed an "honest request for apologies" on Twitter.

"To belittle the name of the Chancellor was an act of male ignorance," wrote Ramelow.

Siegesmund declared: «The pandemic does not follow a party book;

This makes mutual respect and the concentrated common search for the best solutions for people all the more important.

The Chancellor has been doing this from the start. "


Ramelow is said to have said in a panel discussion on the audio app on Saturday night that he is relaxing with a smartphone game at the Prime Minister's conferences, which often last for hours, at which corona rules are currently being agreed between the federal and state governments.

He also received a lot of criticism on social media for this.

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Tweet from Ramelow