Is it okay to refrain from going out?

Sunbathing Recommendation January 25, 17:57

I think there are many people who are refraining from taking regular walks or exercising outside because they refrain from going out unnecessarily this winter in the midst of the corona.

Now that I'm spending more time at home, I'm starting to see posts on the internet that care about "not being in the sun."

Furthermore, it has become clear that shorter exposure to sunlight due to lifestyle changes can have various effects on our health.

I tried to find out how to get in the sun while being careful about infection.

(Network News Department Reporter Naoya Saito Aya Noda Hokuto Takasugi)

"I want to bathe in the sunlight"

Days that tend to stay home due to telework and remote lessons.

While people are calling for refraining from going out unnecessarily, there are voices of confusion about not being exposed to sunlight and voices of joy of being exposed to sunlight on SNS.

"I don't know if I'm in

the sun, but

I don't know

if it's unnecessary or urgent."

"I'm out of the office unnecessarily.

Risk of fractures and injuries

What is the effect on our bodies when the sun goes out?

Various studies have been conducted so far, but in November of last year when the corona sickness continued, a new research result was announced that "the risk of injury may increase".

This research was conducted by Professor Yoshitomo Saita of Juntendo University School of Medicine.

When we examined the blood vitamin D concentration of more than 20 Japanese professional soccer players, the concentration tended to increase from winter to spring, but in May of last year, the concentration was low in winter. Was below.

Vitamin D is a nutrient that is synthesized in the body when exposed to sunlight in addition to meals, and overseas studies have shown that lowering the concentration in the blood increases the risk of stress fractures and muscle strains.

Professor Saida said that the state of emergency in April last year restricted outdoor training and going out, saying, "The shorter exposure of athletes to the sun is the main cause of the decrease in vitamin D concentration. , It was easy to get injured. "

Yoshitomo Saida, Specially Appointed Professor, Juntendo University School of Medicine

"There were many cases where athletes complained of muscle problems such as muscle strain when they resumed training before summer. Even ordinary people who are not athletes should refrain from going out and be exposed to sunlight. There is a risk of running out of D. When you finish refraining from going out, you need to be careful about sudden exercise, especially elderly people should be careful about fractures and osteoporosis due to falls. "

Vitamin D can be supplemented from diets such as fish, mushrooms, and egg yolks, but Professor Saita advises that it is important to be exposed to direct sunlight even for a short time of 10 to 15 minutes.

Yoshitomo Saida, Specially Appointed Professor, Juntendo University School of Medicine

"Because the ultraviolet rays required for vitamin D synthesis do not pass through the window glass, I think it is good to take a walk outside while paying attention to the surroundings instead of taking it indoors. It is effective to expose your hands and face a little so that you do not mind the sunburn and cold caused by UV rays. "

Winter depression due to lack of sunlight

Some have pointed out the risk of depression due to lack of sunlight.

Jun Sato, a visiting professor and doctor at Aichi Medical University, who has been studying changes in weather and physical condition for nearly 30 years, said, "This time of daylight hours tends to increase the number of people who feel depressed in the first place. ".

According to Visiting Professor Sato, when exposed to sunlight, a neurotransmitter called serotonin is secreted in our brain.

Serotonin is said to be effective against stress, but it is thought that from autumn to winter, in addition to the short daylight hours, the cold will reduce going out, and serotonin will decrease and more people will become depressed. I will.

Recently, under visiting professor Sato, there are increasing consultations from people who continue to work remotely and come to work only once a week, and people who say that the opportunity to go shopping has decreased due to the use of the meal delivery service. is.

Jun Sato, Visiting Professor, Aichi Medical University

"If you go to work every day, you will inevitably be exposed to the sun, but the chances of sunbathing are further reduced due to the request to refrain from going out due to the corona virus and the increase in remote work. May be

Sunlight in the morning

Visiting professor Sato also points out that it is important to get sunlight in the morning in order to get a good night's sleep.

When exposed to sunlight, the hypnotic melatonin secretion is once suppressed.

And 14 to 16 hours after being exposed to light (at night if exposed in the morning), melatonin secretion increases, and sleeping in this state creates a good life rhythm.

Jun Sato, Visiting Professor, Aichi Medical University

"Because exposure to the sun in the morning leads to mental stability and good sleep, it is important to have a rhythm in your life. If you keep it, you don't have to be too nervous about going out. "

Is it okay to take a walk?

That said, while people are calling for refraining from going out unnecessarily and urgently, I can understand the feeling of hesitation as to whether it is okay to go for a walk.

I checked the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's website, which has many infected people nationwide, as to what to think about walking.

Then, at the top of the site called "Tokyo Walking Map" of the Tokyo Metropolitan Health and Welfare Bureau, the following precautions for walking were summarized.

"Precautions for walking due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection"

1 Check your physical condition such as the presence or absence of cold symptoms such as fever and cough


Keep as

far away as possible from the people around you and wear a mask

3 Walking Wash your hands and face after or after using a public toilet

Is it okay to take a walk?

We talked to Michiko Nagamine, Chief of the Health Promotion Division of Tokyo.

Then, he answered, "To maintain good health, it is important to get proper exercise and good sleep. It is not a bad idea to take a walk."

Mr. Nagamine says that he wants you to take a walk after taking sufficient measures against infection.

Michiko Mine, Chief of Health Promotion Division, Tokyo

"Walk at a sufficient distance from the people around you, wear a mask, wash your hands and gargle after returning home, and choose a time and place that will not be crowded. I also want you to keep things in mind for a short time. For example, when you go out for shopping, try walking to the next supermarket or shopping street, or when you go to work or school, get off at one station and walk. Try exercising as an extension of your daily life, such as gargle. "

In addition, Nagamine said that proper exercise and sunbathing are indispensable for getting a better sleep.

Michiko Mine, Chief of Health Promotion Division, Tokyo

"Corona bruise can affect sleep, but it is also important to get proper sunlight to get enough sleep. When you wake up in the morning, open the curtains and let the sun shine. It's also important to get plenty of sunlight when you go in or go shopping in the morning. Even if you don't go out, you can maintain your health by incorporating exercises that you can do in a room with sunlight. please"

Waiting for spring

We still have no idea how our lives will change in the future.

Until the season comes when everyone can spend time outside in the warm and cheerful atmosphere.

How about finding some time and exposing yourself to the sun so that you can stay healthy until then?