
Mosbach (dpa / lsw) - The accused in room 6 of the regional court in Mosbach does not look like a master thief.

But the 30-year-old man in a gray knitted sweater and with a neat haircut is said to have faked a robbery together with three other suspects, in which a vacuum cleaner played an important role.

But one after the other.

In the robbery in a supermarket in Tauberbischofsheim, the defendant is said to have stolen about 60,000 euros together with two men in December 2019.

One of the two accomplices, a 27-year-old supermarket employee, acted as the Trojan horse.

After prior consultation with his accomplices, he allowed himself to be attacked by the accused, helped him escape and later posed as a victim.

Another accomplice drove the getaway car and the fourth man - the store manager of the discounter - is said to have deliberately stayed in a casino during the act.

"That was his alleged alibi," said the 30-year-old defendant on Monday in the wood-paneled courtroom.

Unlike the store manager - he is said to have come up with the idea for the bogus attack - the defendant has to play the robber with a gun and a vacuum cleaner.


With the device he had brought with him, the confessing man is said to have sucked a lot of money from the slot of a small safe - packed in so-called safebags.

This small safe was again in a larger safe.

What happened to a large part of the loot still puzzles investigators.

He urgently needed the money because he was in debt with around 7,000 euros.

Money that he mainly spent on his drug addiction, says the man.

Because he lost his glasses at the scene, the criminal police were able to target the defendant last year.

After an optician was able to identify the owner of the glasses model, an arrest warrant was issued against the man.

Only later did the three other men appear on the list of suspects.

Since then, the men have apparently blamed one another.

But not only the accomplice was in the supermarket during the robbery, an unsuspecting cashier was also present.

According to his own statements, the defendant had finally threatened her with a dummy pistol, pressed her to the ground in a raw manner and finally tied her up.

The 56-year-old woman was not only physically injured.

The deed is said to have left traces on her soul.

The suffering of the sobbing woman can almost be felt physically in the courtroom.


The defendant claims that he did not expect the woman to be there.

If he had known that there was another person in the discounter, he would not have appeared as a robber.

“I didn't mean to hurt anyone,” he says.

To make the attack look real, he had to threaten her.

The 27-year-old accomplice contradicts this claim when giving testimony.

It was known among the men that an uninvolved person would be present during the bogus attack.

Shortly thereafter, the man was sentenced to four years and six months in prison for serious robbery in unity and with willful assault.

The verdict is not yet legally binding.

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