
Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) - Baden-Württemberg's CDU parliamentary group leader Wolfgang Reinhart believes the prices for FFP2 masks, which have been mandatory in local transport and shops since this Monday, are too high.

«I appeal to pharmacists and retailers to sell the FFP2 masks for a maximum of one euro per mask.

In any case, they shouldn't be sold for more than 10 percent of the purchase price, ”said Reinhart in Stuttgart on Monday.

Currently, the prices are sometimes between 4 and 6 euros.

Reinhart said: "It must not be that people are excluded from everyday life because they have no money for the expensive masks, some of which are now mandatory in certain areas."

In this way, people who already suffered from the contact restrictions in the corona lockdown would be even more isolated.

The CDU politician sees Austria as a role model in the mask issue.

Chancellor Sebastian Kurz has agreed with retailers to sell the masks at cost.

"I would like to see such a voluntary commitment in Germany as well," said Reinhart.

Surgical masks can be worn on buses, trains and in shops, but these offer less protection compared to the FFP2 masks.


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New corona regulation