
Röbel (dpa / mv) - The police followed a wrong-way driver on Autobahn 19 with several patrol cars for around 55 kilometers.

The 35-year-old had driven in the wrong direction on the A19 between the Glasewitz and Güstrow junctions on Saturday night over a dirt road and a wild fence.

When officers from the motorway police tried to stop him, he accelerated and tried to flee, the police said.

Only after the long persecution could the 35-year-old be stopped near the Röbel junction.

The emergency services assume that the man was under the influence of alcohol and other drugs.

A breath test showed a value of 0.83 per thousand.

In addition, the driver does not have a driver's license.

Several charges were filed against the man.

Fortunately, the A19 was hardly used at the time of the incident, according to the police.

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Police press release