Today, Saturday, the famous American journalist Larry King, one of the most prominent media faces in the United States, died at the age of 87, at the Cedars Sinai Center in Los Angeles.

The cause of King’s death was not revealed, but CNN reported earlier that he was hospitalized due to infection with the Coronavirus.

He described Larry King as the master of the microphone, who had given about 50 thousand interviews in his life, and was famous for wearing bras in his conversations during which he hosted world leaders, movie stars and community celebrities.

the beginning

Lawrence Harvey Zeiger was born in Brooklyn, New York, to a Russian Jewish immigrant family, and after his father died of a heart attack at the age of nine, his mother had to live on subsidies to raise him and his younger brother, and he also had to work after he graduated from high school.

His dream was to work in the media, so a friend advised him to go to Miami, and there he applied to work in a small radio station, so the station manager changed his name to "Larry King."

He gave through that local station a set of interviews at the Bombernick restaurant on Miami Beach, and he was interviewing everyone who enters the restaurant, and his first interview was with a waitress in the restaurant, and his wages did not exceed 50 dollars a week.

Rendering Giant

King is described as a giant of television presentation, as he was a successful partner in founding CNN from 1985 until 2010, and won many awards including two Peabody Awards, a prestigious award presented annually by the Grady School of Journalism at the University of Georgia in recognition of For media achievements.

During his interviews with celebrities and politicians, King was calm and curious, whether he was questioning the attack victim known as the "Central Park Jogger", or the industrial billionaire Ross Perot who rocked the presidential race in 1992 by announcing his candidacy on the "King's Show" program.

In 1995, he met the late Palestinian President Yasser Arafat, the Jordanian monarch King Hussein, and the Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, and he introduced everyone to the screen through his program.

His guest list includes a wide spectrum, from the Dalai Lama to Elizabeth Taylor, from Mikhail Gorbachev to Barack Obama, and from Bill Gates to Lady Gaga, including his meeting with Paris Hilton, who spoke about her time in prison in 2007, and he also met friends of Michael Jackson And his family members to talk about his death in 2009.

King always boasted not to over-prepare for his interviews, but his distinctive style made the guests comfortable while talking about their secrets and the most important issues of their lives in front of the audience.

After celebrating the 25th anniversary of his debut, King announced the suspension of his show in 2010, telling viewers "it's time to hang up my bras tonight."

In 2011, he moved to the "Russia Today-America" ​​channel, and discussed a number of hot political issues.