
Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) - The Southwest CDU is heading for the state election.

The Christian Democrats want to decide on their election program today at their first digital party congress.

In Stuttgart, the newly elected CDU federal chief Armin Laschet is expected in person in the afternoon - he will give a speech in the southwest of all places, where Friedrich Merz always had a particularly large number of supporters.

The delegates hope that the federal party will provide a tailwind for the important elections on March 14th.

In Baden-Württemberg, the traditionally conservative Southwest CDU provided the head of government for many decades.

Since 2016, the Christian Democrats have been ruling as junior partners in a coalition with the Greens under the leadership of Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann.

With top candidate Susanne Eisenmann (CDU), who is also fighting for open schools as minister of education in the Corona crisis, the CDU wants to find its old strength.

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Link to the party conference of the CDU Baden-Württemberg