
Mainz / Saarbrücken (dpa / lrs) - In Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland, showers, snow and frost may occur in the coming days.

As the German Weather Service (DWD) announced on Saturday, Sunday starts with temperatures between 2 and 5 degrees.

Individual showers are expected, which can also come down as snow.

In the night to Monday, the temperatures drop to 0 to minus 2 degrees, there is a risk of ice.

In addition, snow showers pull over the federal states. 

According to the DWD, it will be cloudy on Monday, but will remain largely dry.

Sleet or sleet showers can only occur occasionally.

Longer snowfall is also possible in the southwest.

The temperatures do not rise above 2 degrees.

According to the forecast, the mix of clouds, loosening up and snow showers will continue on Tuesday.

At maximum values ​​between 0 and 3 degrees it remains uncomfortable at first.

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