
Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) - The state of Baden-Württemberg has added the announced tightening of infection protection to its corona ordinance - accordingly, even greater restrictions will apply in public life from Monday.

As the new corona regulation published by the green-black state government on Saturday shows, medical masks must be worn from the beginning of the week, for example in local public transport, in retail and at work.

This includes surgical and FFP2 masks as well as mouth and nose covers of the KN95 / N95 standards.

Children up to 14 years of age can continue to wear everyday masks, children up to and including 5 years of age are exempt from the mask requirement.

There is also a new regulation for dog hairdressers and dog salons: They are generally allowed to offer their services again if the animal is handed over by the customer and only picked up again after the treatment.

The animal owner must therefore not be present during the treatment.

The Baden-Württemberg administrative court had recently overturned the general closure of dog salons in the wake of the corona pandemic and had already brought such a regulation into play.

For religious events and funeral services, according to the ordinance, meetings with more than ten participants must be registered with the competent authority at least two working days in advance.


From Wednesday on, an expanded alcohol ban in city centers and in certain public places will also take effect.

The authorities should determine which areas are exactly affected.

The federal and state governments agreed on Tuesday to generally extend the lockdown and numerous restrictions until February 14th.

Baden-Württemberg largely supports the resolutions.

In education, however, a special path is emerging.

Primary schools and daycare centers in this country could gradually open again from February 1, if the infection numbers allow.

Nothing has been definitely decided yet.

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New corona regulation