
Magdeburg (dpa / sa) - With the measures in the corona pandemic, the spread of other infectious diseases has also been slowed.

For Saxony-Anhalt, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) registered a significant decrease in other infectious diseases by 45 percent in 2020, said DAK Gesundheit.

In 2019, more than 27,000 cases of flu, tuberculosis, chickenpox and noroviruses were recorded.

In 2020 there were only around 15,000.

"The measures such as school and daycare closings, home office, distance rules, contact restrictions and hand hygiene, for example, have inhibited the transmission of respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases and thus had an overall positive influence," said the head of the DAK Health in Saxony Anhalt, Steffen Meyrich.

The decline in reported diseases related to the norovirus was particularly clear in Saxony-Anhalt.

The minus was around 66 percent.

After 8,332 cases in 2019, only 2,839 were reported last year.

In the case of chickenpox, 51 percent fewer cases were recorded.

Whooping cough has decreased by 46 percent.


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