
Ingolstadt / Wolfsburg (dpa) - VW CEO Herbert Diess sees Audi on a “very good path to find its way back to old strength”.

In a current Audi employee podcast, Diess said that the premium brand Audi had to take over technology leadership in the group again.

"It will be a piece of hard work for the next twelve months."

After the diesel crisis and an extremely large number of changes in the executive board, Audi lost its role as a technology pioneer and had "fallen behind a bit in recent years" - he was already worried.

But "I'm thrilled with how Audi picked up the pace last year, and how Markus Duesmann is doing it with the new board of directors," emphasized Diess.

It is correct that Audi has taken the lead in software development and wants to move back to the top with the “Artemis” project.

The Ingolstadt subsidiary must not only deliver good profits, but also develop technology for the entire VW Group.

“Audi has to catch up,” said Diess.

“Audi has to get significantly faster” in competition with Tesla, BMW and Daimler.

But it is “impressive how quickly Audi gets back on track”.


In the final quarter of 2020, the daughter showed again what she can do.

You have "worked very well financially", with good sales figures and lower fixed costs, praised the CEO.

Audi has set itself great goals for market share and earnings for the current year.

But it is very important to him that Audi take over the technical management of the group again with the very large and difficult projects that have already started, said Diess.

"We'll know a lot more in a year."

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Audi employee podcast with Diess

This on LinkedIn with reference to podcast