At a press conference on Friday, the government's action plan was presented.

- The development towards a circular economy is central for Sweden to become the world's first fossil-free welfare state, says Minister of Trade and Industry Ibrahim Baylan (S).

It is about reducing waste, reusing, sharing, repairing, using resources more efficiently and already when the products are designed and manufactured think about how their life can be extended and made to resurface.

Renewable raw materials

Among other things, the government wants to increase the proportion of products made from renewable raw materials.

That is, things that, for example, can grow back, such as trees.

Even today, there are many products made from raw materials from wood, such as viscose and lyocell fabrics.

There are also plastic bags made of wood.

In the video, we list three things you may not have known are made of wood.

Ski helmets, artificial turf and cars.