
Reutlingen (dpa / lsw) - A suspected drug dealer drew the police's attention in Reutlingen because he was out late in the evening despite the new Corona rules.

The 32-year-old, who is said to have had 50 grams of cocaine and a loaded revolver, was in custody on Friday, the police and public prosecutors said.

He apparently tried to throw away the gun and drugs before the arrest.

However, the officers found them.

Police noticed a group of four around 11 p.m. on Thursday evening.

Because there is currently a nightly exit restriction between 8 p.m. and 5 a.m. due to the corona pandemic in Baden-Württemberg, the officials wanted to control the group.

However, all group members had fled, it said.

The 32-year-olds were able to catch the officers shortly afterwards - and found the cocaine and the gun nearby.

The investigators were also able to seize another 100 grams of cocaine and gun ammunition in the apartment of the man who was known to the police.

He came into custody.

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Notice from the police