
Hanover (dpa / lni) - Lower Saxony's Minister of Social Affairs Carola Reimann (SPD) has apologized for the fact that information letters from the ministry about corona vaccinations have also been sent to the deceased.

"I apologize to the relatives who feel injured," Reimann said on Friday in the state parliament in Hanover.

With around 210,000 letters sent for which Swiss Post used its own incomplete address lists, individual errors could not have been avoided.

Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) also asked for indulgence.

Attempting to reach a large number of people personally and quickly with information about a vaccination could also lead to errors and mishaps.

The letters should inform people over 80 years of age about the upcoming vaccination option in Lower Saxony from February.

In parallel to the ministry's letter campaign, those affected are also written to in parallel by their municipality, which uses their registration data for this purpose.


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Agenda of the state parliament session