
Berlin (dpa) - Federal Family Minister Franziska Giffey (SPD) calls for an expansion of corona tests in childcare as well.

"I think it is now very important, as long as vaccination is not yet possible, to expand the tests," said Giffey, the Berlin SPD state chairman, in the ARD "Morgenmagazin" on Friday.

Currently, there are mainly voluntary tests in childcare.

According to the current Corona daycare study, around 20 percent of educators are not on the child due to corona.

"That's a large number," said Giffey.

They are sick or in quarantine.

"After February 14, it will need an opening," continued the Family Minister.

"The longer it takes, the higher the price."

Health against health is playing here, as many children suffered from a lack of exercise and loneliness due to the restrictions in the pandemic.

"When we talk about easing, schools and daycare centers have to be the first," she emphasized.

"These three weeks, which we are now talking about again, we all have to go through together now."

This force now has to be applied again in order to have a real opening perspective.

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Corona daycare study