
Bayreuth (dpa / lby) - Why did a cyclist have to die on a summer night in the middle of Bayreuth?

Half a year after the body was found on a sidewalk and bike path, the perpetrator and his motive are still unknown, the police said on Friday.

"This intermediate result reinforces the conclusion that the young man may have been a chance victim," said the head of the special commission on Friday.

The lifeless body was found by passers-by on the night of August 18-19, 2020. The investigators assume that the 24-year-old was killed with a knife.

"At the somewhat remote and dark crime scene at the time of the crime, there was an immediate use of force without a fight", reported Alexander Horn, head of the operational case analysis in Bavaria.

Presumably the perpetrator is a man who knows his way around the area and is often out there at night for no reason.

He could be psychologically abnormal, acted out of irrational fear and a feeling of threat, said Horn.


But it could also be that the perpetrator implemented a killing fantasy.

Such a fantasy arises, for example, through videos, games and depictions of violence on the Internet, explained Horn.

"Such perpetrators often show a high affinity for weapons and feel the need to handle them and also to pose."

In both cases the perpetrator could have withdrawn afterwards.

The investigators ask for information if the description applies to friends or colleagues.

If the crime is resolved, there is a reward of 10,000 euros.

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Notice from the police