
Marsberg (dpa / lnw) - Unknown people put a large self-made doll in the track bed on a railway line in Marsberg in the Sauerland region, thus triggering a large-scale operation by the police and fire department.

As the federal police announced on Thursday, the engine driver of a regional train had run over the doll on the journey from Warburg to Meschede despite the emergency braking initiated.

The 49-year-old, who believed it was human, was in shock.

Rescue workers searched the tracks on Wednesday evening and initially found clothes under the train.

But then it turned out that it was a doll made of wood and filling material - similar to a scarecrow.

The police initiated criminal proceedings for dangerous interference with rail traffic.

The passengers of the regional train were brought to their destinations in taxis.

The railway line between Hagen and Marsberg had to be closed for more than two hours.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210121-99-113193 / 2
