
Annaberg-Buchholz (dpa / sn) - The TU Chemnitz and the Deutsche Bahn will research future rail travel in the Ore Mountains.

The Federal Ministry of Transport is providing 17.75 million euros for this purpose.

The ministry announced on Thursday that the money will be used to build a 5G network, upgrade buildings and convert traction vehicles into test trains along the route from Annaberg-Buchholz to Schwarzenberg.

The aim of the test field is to test and develop digital rail technologies under real conditions.

The winding, partly wooded and mountainous route covers all eventualities that occur on most railway lines in Germany, said Transport Minister Andreas Scheuer (CSU).

"That makes it the perfect test track to try out the most modern rail and cellular technology."

It should be about digital control and safety technology, but also about better reception on the train, new drive technologies and artificial intelligence.

Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) spoke of an important future project.

Deutsche Bahn hopes that such new technologies will result in more punctual and more reliable trains and thus greater attractiveness for the means of transport.

"What we test in the Ore Mountains will be the blueprint for all of Germany," emphasized rail board member Ronald Pofalla.


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