
Isny (dpa / lsw) - The police in Isny ​​im Allgäu (Ravensburg district) rescued a 23-year-old woman from her completely snowed-in car.

According to the police on Thursday, the young woman tried Wednesday morning to free her car from masses of snow.

She was finally able to crawl through the tailgate into the trunk and from there into the interior of the vehicle, but the tailgate fell shut again.

Because the batteries were empty, the woman could not start the engine, and the doors could not be opened from the inside.

The 23-year-old then called the police, who freed her from her car with the help of specialists from a car dealership.

As a police spokesman said, there was around a meter of snow in Isny ​​on Wednesday morning.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210121-99-121286 / 2

Notice from the police