
Erfurt (dpa / th) - With a view to the planned inclusion of children's rights in the Basic Law, Thuringia's migration officer insists on the implementation of the children's rights convention for children everywhere.

"It is almost cynical to want to anchor children's rights in the Basic Law and at the same time allow children in Greece and Bosnia to freeze and sleep in the mud," said the commissioner Mirjam Kruppa on Thursday.

The rights of refugee children should be protected in the same way as those of all other children.

According to Kruppa, it will be possible to measure how serious the federal government is with respecting children's rights, especially by dealing with those in particular need of protection - the children of refugees.

Germany has been committed to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child since 2010.

"These rights are obviously being trampled on in refugee camps in the European Union."

The federal government is also responsible for this.

The federal cabinet decided on Wednesday in Berlin that children's rights should be expressly included in the constitution.

It is uncertain whether the change in the law will result in anything.

Two-thirds majorities in the Bundestag and Bundesrat are required for amendments to the Basic Law.


Both on the Greek island of Lesbos and in the Bosnian border area with the EU state Croatia, migrants are currently inadequately housed in winter weather - including many children.

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