
Rudolstadt (dpa / th) - Thuringia's Court of Audit has asked the state government to change the direction of financial aid for the municipalities in the Corona crisis.

The lump sum payment of millions to cities, municipalities and districts is not expedient, according to the annual report on the financial audit of the municipalities published on Thursday by the Court of Auditors in Rudolstadt.

Not all municipalities are equally affected by the collapse in business taxes due to the restrictions in the pandemic, argued the Court of Auditors.

"From the point of view of the Court of Auditors, allocations based on the actual trade tax loss would be more appropriate and fair," said Thuringia's top auditor.

They suggested that in future municipalities should only be provided with liquidity assistance upon request.

The state had granted the municipalities a three-digit million amount as additional financial aid during the Corona crisis.

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