- We have a reduction at the national level.

The trend seems to be continuing.

If we look at the number of cases, the number of cases per 100,000 inhabitants is now 588, says Karin Tegmark Wisell, head of department at the Swedish Public Health Agency, during Thursday's press conference.

- It is extremely important to see it as positive.

But there are still a large number of cases and there are risks of increase if we do not adhere to the rules, she continues.

Decreases in inpatient care

The decline among the number of infected is sharp among people between 20 and 29 and 40 and 49. The occupancy rate in intensive care units is also now declining.

- There are 760 available IVA places.

315 of them are treated for covid-19.

There are 54 fewer patients than last week, says the National Board of Health and Welfare's Iréne Nilsson Carlsson.

Even in inpatient care, there is now a reduced spread of infection.

- We also see a reduction in inpatient care.

One week ago there were 2,395 patients and yesterday it was 1,954. It is very positive that things are going in the right direction this year.

But just as Karin was talking about, it is important to keep all routines now, says Nilsson Carlsson.

Still high on accommodations

There is still a large spread of infection in nursing homes, even though there has been a slight improvement in recent weeks.

At the same time, there is a large backlog in reporting on deaths in special housing for the elderly.

- It is not as bad as last spring, but of course there are very many people.

It is a difficult situation, of course, says Iréne Nilsson Carlsson.