• Coronavirus: Biden will use war powers to speed up vaccinations


January 21, 2021 US President Joe Biden called his new coronavirus plan a "war period initiative".

"When I say wartime, do people look at me as if they are asking 'wartime'? Well, I said that yesterday, 400,000 Americans died. That's more than the whole of World War II, 400,000, this one. it's a wartime initiative, "Biden said speaking from the White House to present his national plan against Covid-19, shortly before signing 10 decrees on it.

"Our national plan launches a full-scale wartime effort to address the lack of supplies by increasing the production of protective equipment, syringes, needles," said Biden, who also chose to sign an executive order to use. the 'Defense Production Act' to instruct all federal agencies and private industries to produce everything needed to produce citizens from the virus.