
Dresden (dpa / sn) - The state of Saxony has activated a “citizen portal” to combat hate crime on the Internet.

The Ministry of the Interior announced in Dresden on Wednesday that people could now display criminal hate comments directly via the online police station.

Minister Roland Wöller (CDU) emphasized that there are no unlawful areas on the Internet either.

Justice Minister Katja Meier (Greens) called on citizens not to look the other way when it comes to hatred and agitation on the Internet, but to report it.

A central reporting office on the Internet (ZMI) has also been set up at the State Office of Criminal Investigation to pursue “Hatespeech”.

This is where all the ads come together and the first steps, such as determining IP addresses, are taken.

The registration office has five employees from the State Criminal Police Office.


Communication from the Ministry of the Interior