New President Biden of the United States has signed a document to return to the Paris Agreement, an international framework for combating global warming that has left under the Trump administration.

The new President of the United States, Joe Biden, entered the White House after taking office as the 46th President at the inauguration ceremony on the 20th, and started working.

And former President Trump announced his departure as imposing an unfair economic burden on the United States, and last year signed a document to return to the officially withdrawn international framework for global warming countermeasures, the Paris Agreement. did.

New President Biden sees climate change as a security threat and has indicated that it will make its response one of the new administration's top priorities and strengthen its efforts.

On top of that, he announced his intention to expand investment in renewable energy and hold an international conference within 100 days to strengthen the efforts of each country, and with this signature, he will show the attitude of the new administration at home and abroad. It seems that there is also an aim to impress the transition from the former Trump administration.

According to the new administration, the U.S. government will submit a document for return to the United Nations on the 20th, and will officially return to the Paris Agreement 30 days later, so that it will be able to show leadership again in the international community in the future. Will be asked.