
Silence in local traffic!

Cell phone ban!

Sealed “green zones” in Germany with an infection rate of less than 10 per 100,000 inhabitants!

Proceed against corona as in Melbourne, Australia, which has reduced the infection rate to almost zero!

As soon as the Merkel country round has ended, some federal states naturally begin to relativize the resolutions again.

There are new suggestions, one as apparently as useful as the other, always with the stipulation: Add this up and that - and we are on the right track.

If it were that easy

To start with Melbourne: The scientists who recommend the lockdown there as a model suggest that the measures would have looked something like ours in the spring.

But that wasn't the case.

In Melbourne there were draconian measures for more than three months - curfew at night, no more than an hour's exit during the day and a five-kilometer leash around your home address.


Social blocks with migrants and refugees were cordoned off, with police in front of the house.

Is that how we want to handle it?

Then have fun with the dishes.

In addition, Australia has turned itself into a fortress: Until just before Christmas, there was a travel ban between the states, and anyone who wants to leave the country cannot come back.

As an island continent that works. With us?

Have fun with the Prime Ministers and the EU.

Wanting to brutally bring Corona to zero means to temporarily introduce surveillance similar to that in China.

If you want that, you should say it openly.

Even milder methods, however, need first and foremost the legal self-commitment that the restoration of fundamental rights is the only goal of all measures - combined with impeachment if restoration threatens to fail due to sloppiness with the authorities or confusion of competencies.

There are more and more examples of this.

You can turn subways into rolling Trappist monasteries.

But you can also keep the basic rights silent until the virus has killed them.