
The federal and state governments have agreed to extend the lockdown, which is initially limited to the end of January, to February 14th.

This means that restaurants, leisure facilities and retail are closed.

Exceptions still apply to supermarkets, for example.

Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) said after the corona summit, which lasted several hours on Tuesday evening in Berlin, despite the falling number of new infections, this was necessary with a view to the mutation of the corona virus.

"It's about the precaution," said Merkel.

The wearing of a

medical mask is


for local public transport




are to remain closed until mid-February or compulsory attendance is to be suspended.


same should be done


daycare centers


The federal and state governments agree on requirements for

more home offices in companies


Accordingly, employers must enable employees to work from home wherever possible.

To this end, the Federal Ministry of Labor will issue an ordinance.

More soon

The lockdown discussion


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