
Miesbach (dpa / lby) - For many residents of a nursing home in the Miesbach district, the vaccination against the corona virus came too late, according to the district office.

In the senior citizens' facility, 41 people tested positive for the corona virus, 34 of whom were vaccinated.

Seven vaccinated residents and one more have since died, the district authority announced on Tuesday.

24 employees are also sick.

Despite the vaccination, the authority explains the diseases by stating that the incubation period, i.e. the time between infection and the appearance of the first symptoms, is between two days and two weeks.

"Due to the short time between vaccination and outbreak, it can be assumed that the vaccinated had already been infected at the time of vaccination," it said.

In addition, there would have been full vaccination protection only after the second planned vaccination.

"So the vaccination came too late for the vaccinated."

According to its own account, the district authority wants to counter possible conspiracy theories with the information about the deaths.

Citizens should be given the opportunity to "deal with the information themselves before engaging in wild speculation," emphasized the district office.


Ten residents and nine employees tested positive in another care facility in the Upper Bavarian district.

Here, too, three vaccinated residents fell ill.

"It is a sad coincidence that two facilities are affected in a temporal connection with the vaccination," said government spokeswoman Sophie Stadler.

Communication district office