
Düsseldorf (dpa / lnw) - The North Rhine-Westphalian police did not trigger their new electro-shock weapons, the so-called tasers, on the first weekend.

They were pulled twice, three more times the threat was enough, said a spokeswoman for the NRW Interior Ministry on Monday when asked.

The police authorities in Dortmund, Düsseldorf and Gelsenkirchen have been in possession of the tasers since Friday, and they are being tested for practicality in a one-year pilot phase.

In a few days, the Rhein-Erft district will be added.

The “distance electro-pulse devices” fire metal hooks with which the victim is temporarily put out of action by an electric shock.

The Tasers are designed to close a loophole in threat situations and deter attackers who threaten police officers.

This is justified with the sharp rise in the number of attacks on police officers in NRW.


Communication Ministry