
Karlsruhe / Berlin (dpa / bb) - A judge from the Berlin Regional Court has lodged a complaint with the Federal Constitutional Court against the Corona rules.

The lawyer working at the criminal chamber of the court, who is domiciled in Brandenburg, has filed two constitutional complaints against the corona provisions of the federal government and the states of Berlin and Brandenburg, as the court announced on Monday.

"I would like to know that the political measures are legally binding," said Judge Pieter Schleiter of the dpa on request.

First of all, the "Potsdam Latest News" reported.

According to Schleiter, he is a criminal judge at the regional court, where crimes with an expected prison sentence of four years and over are tried.

The pure violation of corona regulations as a fine procedure takes place before the local court, according to Schleiter.

Specifically, the lawyer turns his complaints against the Infection Protection Act, the Sars-CoV-2 Containment Ordinance and the Sars-CoV-2 Quarantine Ordinance Brandenburg, the Sars-CoV-2 Ordinance Berlin and against the handling of the Federal Chancellor and the 16 Prime Ministers and Prime Ministers (federal-state conferences) with the corona pandemic.

When the court will decide on the complaints is still open.


pnn report