Smart trash:

A relentless debate erupts in the scientific academies about the idea of ​​the existence of life outside the earth, despite the fact that talking publicly about its perception is a taboo for many of those who are convinced that our environment, in which we live on this inhabited planet, is the only one capable of providing the basic elements of this life;

But the last surprise came within an article by "Katharina Gueno", entitled "THE TRASH IS OUT THERE", which was published in the British newspaper "The SUN", on January 2, 2021, in which it was quoted On the authority of Professor Avi Loeb, head of the astronomy department at Harvard University, he claimed that the "aliens" had dropped some "space garbage" on the Earth's atmosphere in 2017, and this, in his belief, is "evidence of the existence of life outside the human range" known.

He mentioned this despite his knowledge that “some people do not want to discuss the possibility of other civilizations.” However, what entered our solar space, on September 6, 2017, is nothing but “neglected space technology” that flew over the Earth, on October 7. 2017, before he began "moving rapidly toward the planet Pegasus," and defined it as "Oumuamua."

Avi Loeb believes it is not another rock formation;

Rather, it is evidence of the existence of intelligent life outside the earth, and that his forthcoming book, entitled "Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth", explains the reason for the existence of this "garbage" body, which entered from the star "Vega", and approached us a lot.

The stories of cosmic space have fascinated me personally, since we learned our first lessons about astronomy and planets in Sudan's elementary schools.

And I am now reading every new useful news about the possibilities of life in this huge, vast universe

Smart or others.

I looked at this article with the same interest, with its rich contents, and its motivating references to what we can expect in the book "Avi Loop" from the cognitive stimuli about this "technological garbage" across space, which are evidence of the "intelligence" of those who bombard us, and their good management of the safety of their environment

But what is really exciting about this discovery is not the astronomical information it contains that may seem serious and scientific, but rather this link between the intelligence of the people, who are only "25 light-years away" next to us, and deliberately throw their garbage on us, and on others, who are unfortunate enough to be in Throw this waste.

Or is it conceivable that their first attempt to communicate with us is that they take us to a dump for their technological garbage, so that we realize through exhuming it and tampering with its contents, the extent of their intelligence and progress on us?

Did our smart people on Earth learn the art of systematic pollution of our environments from the "aliens" who preceded them?

Because what disturbs the earthly environment and life in it is the selfishness of the rich, intelligent, and their use of the poor as dumpsites for their technological and other waste, and this is behavior that amounts to its description and stigmatization of environmental racism.

Racial hindrance

The leader of African American civil rights, "Benjamin Chaves", is credited with being the first to coin the term "environmental racism", in 1982, describing it as "racial discrimination in environmental policymaking, enforcement of laws and regulations, and the deliberate targeting of colored communities as facilities for toxic waste." Formal approval of the life-threatening presence of toxins and pollutants in our societies, and a history of excluding people of color from leading environmental movements. "

Chaves 'cited examples of environmental racism do not describe a history he lived in the 1980s, but rather a categorical confirmation of what exists and is happening now, which is a form of racism methodology, in which poor societies' environments bear a disproportionate burden of health risks.

This is not done through "conspiracy" theories, which go beyond the standards of human norms, but through official policies and practices that force the poor to live near sources of toxic waste, or make their land landfills and dump sites for dangerous "technological garbage".

Such as radioactive materials, nuclear power plant waste, and industries that emit airborne particles, and all that accompany these dangerous pollutants, and the fatal health problems associated with them.

The coronavirus pandemic has helped quarantine people temporarily from continuing their voracious encroachment on the natural environment;

But it cannot save him from his selfishness in preying on the right of others to a healthy, clean and safe space.

Although man has always been described as a social being;

However, the more his rash of aggression approaches, and the "protocols" of divergence, which were approved by the World Health Organization in an attempt to correct public behavior, came with a lesson that goes beyond the time of Corona.

"Globalization" shortened time and space, and increased the opportunities for human rapprochement, but at the same time it doubled environmental racism and transformed it from a local "defect" to a "dilemma" on an international scale.

Not a week goes by without news, horrific statistics indicating the huge and deadly amount of pollutants.

Like the electronic waste of the rich in the Nordic countries, which is being buried, or dumped in the dumps of the poor countries of the South, where safety laws and environmental practices are more permissible and permissible.

The downturns of globalization

What is happening now is not merely a historical accident in which the deviations of human intention from the path of righteousness are overshadowed, but rather there are significant facts.

Noted by many, she says that there is a direct relationship between the increasing globalization of the economy and the environmental degradation of the habitats and living spaces of many peoples of the world.

In many places, where the poor live in developed countries in Europe and Asia, or indigenous people in Australia and North and South America, landfills and landfills of hazardous materials are taken up.

This behavior extended to the poor countries of the South in Africa, Asia and Latin America, in which oil, minerals, and logging are being extracted in a way that destroys ecosystems and destroys peoples' cultures and livelihoods.

The globalization of chemical industries, carried over to third world countries, is increasing levels of persistent organic pollutants.

Like dioxins, in the environment, in addition to what is emitted and leaked from high- and low-tech industries waste, much of which is toxic, and directly contributes to pollution of ground water, soil and air.

Moreover, the freedom of movement of globalized companies has provided them with opportunities to pursue the greatest profits and best tax incentives anywhere in the world, taking advantage of weak government and environmental regulations in the poorest countries.

The environment cannot favor or mock population groups for various cultural, social, or economic reasons.

But humans love their likeness and mock others, and thus, like all things on Earth, the environment is subject to human influences.

Unfortunately, these influences often tend to get their hands down to the worst of human nature, including racial, ethnic, and social stratification leading to environmental racism.

The website Legal Agenda published on December 30, 2020, that what is happening in the Gulf of Guinea in terms of the systematic dumping of toxic waste amounts to environmental racism.

In Nigeria alone, an estimated 500 containers are entering the port from Europe, the United States and Asia every month, each carrying about 500 thousand pieces of used electronic devices;

Many of them cannot be used again or are recycled.


We have included, in the introduction to this article, Professor Avi Loeb's reference to the intelligence of "aliens" and "technological trash" that passed through our planet in 2017. If we look at what Earth's smart people did that year, we will find that it produced more than 44 million tons of waste. Electronic world wide;

An average of 6 kilograms for every person on the planet.

About 80% of it is exported annually to Africa and Asia, and the rest goes to Central and South America.

Besides the Gulf of Guinea in West Africa, the Chinese city of Guiyu is one of the centers of "electronic waste", as piles of discarded computer parts accumulating by the river contaminate the water supply with cadmium, copper and lead, and cause the production of a wide range of toxic substances, which It can come in many forms;

Such as hydrocarbons, sludge, or gases, which are not properly disposed of.

The water samples showed that lead levels are 190 times higher than the WHO limits.

This seriously affects the IQ and academic performance of children.

"Technological garbage dumped in illegal landfills, which are run by American, European and Japanese companies, has also led to high rates of births without brains."