In total, the Real Estate Inspectorate (FMI) received 1,349 reports regarding brokers throughout Sweden, writes the news agency Siren.

More than half concerned Stockholm County, while Värmland's 26 notifications correspond to 1.9 per cent of the total number of notifications in the country.

- There are a record number of registrations again this year and it has taken a real step up, says Anders Astonsson, communications manager at FMI to Siren.

No penalties in Värmland

In Värmland, no broker in Värmland received any disciplinary sanction due to the reports.

This is something the county together with Gotland, which had a total of seven applications to FMI, was alone about.

Around half of last year's registrations throughout Sweden concerned the cap price.

That is a fivefold increase compared to 2019 and more than a twentyfold increase compared to 2014.