
Erfurt / Munich (dpa) - Erfurt doping doctor Mark S. is taking action against the judgment of the Munich regional court and will appeal to the Federal Court of Justice (BGH).

This was announced by his lawyer Juri Goldstein of the German press agency on Monday.

The physician argues that there has been a “serious violation” of the principle of a fair trial.

Mark S. was sentenced to four years and ten months in prison on Friday for years of blood doping to athletes and dangerous bodily harm.

He was also banned from working for three years.

The BGH in Karlsruhe must decide whether procedural errors were made before the Munich II regional court.

On request, the public prosecutor's office announced that it had not yet decided to appeal as well.

This was not to be expected of the other defendants.

As a reason for the move, Goldstein wrote in an email that the district court had missed the chance to “gain valuable insight into the“ hidden ”world of sport by investigating the need for punishment of the public and the public prosecutor” and looking at the essentials have lost, namely the “inside knowledge” of the accused.


The lawyers of the Thuringian doctor had claimed at the hearing that top-class sport was firmly linked to doping.

Judge Marion Tischler contradicted this: She saw no criminal evidence in the proceedings.

In addition, the chamber denied that Mark S. had not been allowed a fair trial, even if there had been a preliminary conviction in public.

District Court Munich II

Contact person at the regional court