• Government, Conte works to relaunch.

    Renzi: "Without us they don't have the numbers"

  • Di Maio: loyal to Conte.

    Builders also in Iv, I am optimistic

  • Bettini: "Possible support from Forza Italia, come out of the Meloni and Salvini umbrella"


January 16, 2021 The center-right says it is united, compact and ready to govern at the end of the summit held in Milan, the fourth in four days.

"While the former majority stages an offensive show for thousands of Italians who suffer from the health and economic consequences of the pandemic, the center-right works concretely on the contents, to build an alternative to the strong left and capable of facing the difficult challenges that the 'Italy is in front ".

Present at the meeting at the headquarters of the league in via Bellerio Matteo Salvini, Antonio Tajani, Giovanni Toti and Maurizio Lupi, Giorgia Meloni, Silvio Berlusconi and Lorenzo Cesa participated in connection. 

Salvini: "Government chasing votes from morning to evening, it's frustrating"

"It is frustrating, depressing and embarrassing to have to deal with a government and a prime minister who do nothing but chase votes from morning to night."

So Matteo Salvini, at the end of the summit in Milan with the other center-right leaders.

"Elections or government of the center-right"

"If a center-right government were to be born, it would do so on the project and not by distributing seats. The main way in democracy is elections, but the center-right is ready with men, women, ideas and projects. If they called us. to prove it we would be ready ", says Salvini.

"From Wednesday, if they don't have the numbers, we will be able to take on our responsibilities. We are already thinking about alternative projects and teams to this left. The center-right is ready to take over this country. It has men, women, ideas, projects and beliefs even the numbers. If they called us we would be ready. If they have the numbers well, otherwise they will step aside. Either we go to elections or the center-right is ready ".

"We are not looking for 5-star senators"

"M5 senators who enter the League? We are not looking for anyone and we have nothing to promise anyone. Unlike Conte, we are not looking for anyone, but I put myself in the shoes of those elected in the name transparency and now he sees himself defended by Mastella and Tabacci ". 

Vaccinations "government failure"

 "Vaccinations government failure. Yesterday we discovered that the American multinational, Pfizer, cuts vaccines by a third and can nullify the recall. This must be dealt with, not the search for senators. supplies overnight put the entire operation at risk. If the Italians are not called back within 20 days, they risk seeing the vaccine vanish. I would like to know at EU level who treated it. It is unacceptable ", says the leader again of the League.

Tajani: Forza Italia will never support a left-wing government

 "Forza Italia will never support a left-wing government. We want to discuss concrete things in Parliament. Confronting concrete things does not mean supporting this government."

Thus the vice president of Forza Italia, Antonio Tajani, arriving at the top.

"We - he added - talk about concrete things while the left parties are fighting. We talk about Recovery, the Ristori decree, what could be done for the most affected categories, vaccines, Italy needs serious politicians," reliable and credible. We are incompatible with this left government, as far as values ​​and programs are concerned. This attitude of ours, desired by President Berlusconi, is rewarded by the polls. We are the political force that is growing the most these days ".

"There are senators of the M5S who suffer a lot in being in such a quarrelsome and divided majority. There is a lot of discontent. There is more than one senator who looks carefully at the center-right. But it is not that we are going to look for defectors. How many are there? More than one. We are talking about 4-5 people ", adds Tajani.