It was during Thursday that a crew of cold wives was found infected with the bird flu.

There is already a farm in Skåne where 34,000 chickens have been killed since the outbreak almost two weeks ago.

- We have a huge concern throughout Europe now.

This is a tough winter and it is circulating everywhere, says Håkan Henrikson.

According to the Swedish Board of Agriculture, it is common for flu cases to appear, but not to the extent that has been seen in Europe this year.

- It circulates everywhere and it spreads through wild birds, probably through geese and then through the ventilation system.

"Worrying about us"

Barely two weeks ago, an egg hatchery outside Blenta, in Sjöbo municipality, was affected.

Then 18,000 chickens were killed.

Since then, it has spread further on the farm and a total of 34,000 have now been killed, but there may be more, according to the Swedish Board of Agriculture.

- Now it has spread to several other houses on the farm and it is worrying for us.

It is unpleasant that it is such a violent virus, says the chief veterinarian.

The probability that it will spread on the turkey farm, however, is not as great, says Henrikson.

- Here, the different turkey herds are several kilometers apart, in addition, the other herds are largely already slaughtered.

"Be cautious"

Because the spread of bird flu is so extensive, the Swedish Board of Agriculture calls for caution.

- Everyone who owns birds of various kinds must be observant.

We want to have as good an overview of this as possible.

If you notice something different, you should call a veterinarian immediately, says chief veterinarian Håkan Henrikson.