
St. Blasien (dpa) - Snow enthusiasts with a big wallet can let themselves be driven through the winter landscape in a snowcat in the southern Black Forest.

For a one-hour tour, 160 euros are due, as St. Blasiens mayor Adrian Probst, who initiated the offer, explained.

Because of the Corona rules, only members of the same household are allowed to use the "Pistenbully taxi" together.

The driver sits in a separate cabin with a voice connection to the passenger compartment.

There are two routes to choose from;

one leads from the Menzenschwand district to the Feldberg and back.

There are great viewpoints along the way, says Probst.

Adventure seekers can get out halfway and toboggan back with the sledge.

Interested parties can book trips by phone since Thursday.

It was said that three bookings were received on the first day.

The operators hope that the “Pistenbully taxi” will cover running costs.

In addition, the snow sports offer around the city can be straightened out.

In dealing with the onslaught of winter day-trippers, St. Blasien has long been pursuing the strategy of creating more offers - such as groomed tobogganing slopes - and parking spaces instead of isolating themselves.