Rogue and criminal actors in the assistance industry can have their payments stopped by the Swedish Social Insurance Agency and the permit revoked by the Swedish Health and Care Inspectorate, IVO.

Since 2016, 46 companies have had their payments stopped.

But SVT's survey shows that the people behind the stopped companies have in several cases been able to continue to make money on welfare.

An example is an assistance company that had its permit revoked this spring.

The company is controlled by people who have previously had three other companies that have been stopped by authorities - among other things after police reports of a serious grant violation.

Moves customers between companies

One arrangement that is used is so-called company carousels.

According to IVO, this means that "representatives who are investigated or are suspected of crime apply for a permit for new care and nursing companies as the existing company is investigated by the responsible authorities".

- When the authorities begin to suspect that something is going on that is inappropriate or unserious, then they close down that business and move users to the inactive dormant company.

That way you can continue your business, says Suzana Brandt who is an inspector at IVO.

In the autumn, IVO came up with a number of bills to counter rogue assistance providers.

Among other things, they want increased opportunities to withdraw permits for dormant companies because it is used "as a tool to be able to carry out criminal activities".

- When we notice that there is a permit that is not used, we want the opportunity to revoke it, says Suzana Brandt.

The government wants to change the law

Another problem, which the Swedish Social Insurance Agency has highlighted, is that people with assistance compensation can continue to hire a company that has been stopped by authorities.

Now the rules will be reviewed.

On weekdays, a bill was sent out for consultation, which means that the Swedish Social Insurance Agency and the municipalities must be able to refuse an assistance-eligible payment if they hire an assistance company that does not have a permit.

- There are shortcomings in the legislation that we want to change.

Everyone who wants to receive public funds must be controlled and have a permit, says Minister of Social Insurance Ardalan Shekarabi (S).