As of this week, upper secondary schools may also conduct distance and distance education following a decision by the government.

At Lillhagaskolan in Nykvarn, the seventh graders are now only on site at the school one day a week.

- It's fun to be here because you get to meet everyone, but nicer to have a lesson at home because then you do not have to get up so early, says Vincent Kumlin in 7F.

Vincent Kumlin and Ludvig Jonsson in 7F at Lillhagaskolan are now rarely present at the school.

Photo: Jessica Kjellén.

The teacher: "Can be really good anyway"

- Distance education works very well on the whole, says Swedish teacher Jessica Kjellén.

I felt when I got home last night that the students are keeping up and that it can probably go really well anyway.

Hear her and her students tell more about the new conditions in the video above.