
Neumünster (dpa / lno) - Because of a burning van, an antelope and a chimpanzee on their way to Switzerland have made a forced stop at the Neumünster Zoo.

The vehicle that was to be used to bring both animals from Aalborg in Denmark to the south suddenly caught fire in the engine compartment on Wednesday afternoon, a police spokesman said on Thursday.

The patrol officers got the fire at the Aalbek rest area on Autobahn 7 under control with their own fire extinguisher.

The animals in the trailer were unharmed.

"They were never endangered," the spokesman continued.

To get them out of the cold quickly, a towing service brought the animals to the zoo in Neumünster.

There, zoo staff took care of the chimpanzee and the antelope.

Both should now spend the next few days there.

Notice from the police