
Berlin / Hanover (dpa) - The former Lower Saxony AfD state and parliamentary leader Dana Guth has joined the small party of the Liberal Conservative Reformers (LKR) after leaving the party.

The LKR federal chairman Jürgen Joost announced on Thursday.

Before Guth, the former AfD member of the Lower Saxony state parliament Jens Ahrends had already joined the LKR.

In addition to Guth, the member of the state parliament, Frank Brodehl, also moved from Schleswig-Holstein to the LKR, which is thus also represented in the local state parliament.

"We don't criticize the system, we criticize errors in the system," emphasized Joost.

With a view to the upcoming decision on the CDU chairmanship, for which North Rhine-Westphalia's Prime Minister Armin Laschet is applying, he said: "You are welcome to place us in the middle to the right of Armin Laschet."

Brodehl said that there are some members of the AfD who have no problem with the fact that “right-wing extremists cavort there”.

The LKR also includes two members of the Bundestag who were once in the AfD, Uwe Kamann and Mario Mieruch from North Rhine-Westphalia.

Mieruch has taken over the post of general secretary in the LKR.


The founding of the LKR goes back to the split in the AfD in summer 2015.

At that time, AfD founder Bernd Lucke and several representatives of the economically liberal wing had founded their own party in protest against a shift to the right by the AfD that they noted.

This Euro-critical party was first called ALFA.

She had to rename herself after a name dispute.

She wants to run nationwide for the 2021 federal election.




is a member of the LKR without a management position.

Guth, who is considered moderate, left the AfD in early December.

The trigger was a dispute over the direction that broke out in late summer after the AfD member of the Bundestag Jens Kestner Guth had replaced the state party leadership.

Up to now, Kestner was assigned to the now officially disbanded, völkisch-nationalist "wing".

When Guth was to be replaced as parliamentary group leader, she resigned from the parliamentary group with MPs Stefan Wirtz and Jens Ahrends.

The parliamentary group thus ceased to exist because it no longer has the required minimum number of members.