
In his government statement in the Bundestag on Wednesday, Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) admitted errors in the vaccination campaign against the corona virus.

“Not every decision in the past few months has been right,” he said.

"We learn from this."

However, a lack of production capacity for the vaccine is the problem, not a lack of contracts.

"That's why we have to prioritize." Spahn admitted: Some things could have been done faster. "And: Of course, the biggest vaccination campaign in history is jerky." His prognosis: "We will be rewarded for our patience."

Spahn described the current situation as "one of the most difficult phases of the pandemic".

But with the start of the vaccinations on December 27th - 750,000 Germans have now been vaccinated - the way out began: "The vaccination brings light at the end of the tunnel."


He defended the decision to order a common European vaccine.

"Yes, it is right that we act in a European way." One should not only conjure up Europe in Sunday speeches, but also follow these words with deeds.

Vaccine procurement began very early, in April, and “enough vaccine was ordered for all Germans” via the European route.

The fact of the limited vaccination capacities would not have prevented going it alone.

Spahn also emphasized that "if we want to defeat the virus, it will soon be about vaccination readiness".

Therefore, trust in the safety of the vaccine through an approval process is important.