
Düsseldorf (dpa / lnw) - CDU parliamentary group chairmen from five state parliaments support the candidacy of the North Rhine-Westphalian Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) for the CDU federal chairmanship.

In a joint statement, the parliamentary group leaders from North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony, Bremen, Thuringia and Brandenburg campaigned on Wednesday for the delegates of the digital CDU federal party conference to elect Laschet as the new CDU chairman on Saturday.

In addition to Laschet, the former Union parliamentary group leader Friedrich Merz and foreign politician Norbert Röttgen are also eligible.

All three applicants come from NRW.

"As parliamentary group leaders, we know that good work in the party leads to good election results and, as a result, to strong CDU parliamentary groups in the federal, state and local governments," explained the Laschet supporters.

Only in this way could the CDU remain a people's party and turn its ideas into success.

"We are convinced that with Armin Laschet as the new CDU federal chairman in the team with Jens Spahn, we can best meet these necessary demands on ourselves."

As a plus point for Laschet, the Lower Saxony CDU leader Dirk Toepffer stated that he had already proven in NRW how to win elections.

His Brandenburg colleague Jan Redman said he was giving Laschet his vote, "because the East needs a CDU leader who knows and can do structural change."


The CDU parliamentary group leader of the Bremen citizenship, Thomas Röwekamp said that Laschet could "bring together the diversity of our people's party".

CDU parliamentary group leader Mario Voigt from Thuringia referred to the government experience of Laschet and Spahn.

Both campaigned for the CDU to be "modern and traditional, cosmopolitan and patriotic at the same time".

The North Rhine-Westphalian CDU parliamentary group leader Bodo Löttgen said that for Laschet, unity and unity of the Union are "indispensable prerequisites for emerging as the strongest political force in the upcoming state and federal elections".