
Berlin (dpa) - The current calendar sheet for January 14, 2021:

2nd calendar week, 14th day of the year

351 days until the end of the year


Zodiac sign: Capricorn

Name day: Petrus, Reiner



2020 - A linguistic jury declares “Climate hysteria” to be the “Unword of the Year” for 2019. This defames the commitment to climate protection.

2016 - Two years after the outbreak of the worst Ebola epidemic to date, the World Health Organization declares West Africa free of ebola.

In total, more than 11,300 people died there from the fever.

2013 - During the night, bank robbers enter a bank in Berlin-Steglitz through a 45-meter-long tunnel, break into 309 lockers and disappear with the millions of loot.


2011 - After the bloody mass protests in Tunisia, President Zine el Abidine Ben Ali abdicates surprisingly and flees into exile in Saudi Arabia.

2003 - The EU Parliament passes an amendment to the Cosmetics Directive: From 2009 onwards, animal testing for cosmetics is prohibited in the EU.

1993 - The Polish ferry «Jan Heweliusz» capsizes in a heavy storm off Rügen, probably 55 people drown.

1981 - The film "Lili Marleen" by Rainer Werner Fassbinder is premiered in West Berlin.

1926 - The dancer Josephine Baker performs for the first time in Berlin.

In the Nelson Theater, the "black Venus" delights with her show, in which she wears little more than an apron made of bananas.

1506 - The history of the creation of the Vatican Museums begins with the discovery of a marble copy of the Laocoon group in a Roman vineyard.

The sculpture is a replica of a 200 BC.

A Greek bronze sculpture that was created and is no longer preserved.



1971 - Thomas Hellriegel (50), German triathlete, first German winner of the Ironman World Championship in Hawaii 1997

1946 - Howard Carpendale (75), German pop singer ("Door to door with Alice", "Hello again")

1941 - Faye Dunaway (80), American actress ("Bonnie and Clyde")

1931 - Caterina Valente (90), Italian pop singer (“All of Paris dreams of love”), actress and entertainer

1931 - Elmar Gunsch, Austrian moderator ("Funny Musicians") and author, died 2013


2006 - Shelley Winters, American actress, Oscar for best supporting actress for “The Diary of Anne Frank” and “Dreaming Lips”, born in 1920

1991 - Heli Finkenzeller, German film actress ("Kohlhiesels Töchter", "Postman Müller", "Satansbraten"), born 1914 (according to other sources, born 1911)

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