• Gratteri: "We have cleared the leaders of the 'Ndrangheta in the province of Vibo Valentia"

  • The commander of the Ros of the Carabinieri Angelosanto: "The corrupting capacity of the 'Ndrangheta is great"


19 December 2019 "Numerically it is the second operation after the first maxi trial of Falcone and Borsellino in Palermo. The epicenter is in Vibo, the Limbadi family but there have been arrests throughout Italy. The investigation was born on the day of my inauguration when I said we had to work in a radical way in the territories where we go ". This was said by the chief prosecutor of Catanzaro, Nicola Gratteri, on Radio Capital talking about this morning's maxio-operation against the 'Ndrangheta which led to the arrest of 334 people.

"Politicians involved, lawyers, accountants, public officials, court clerks, they are all people - he adds - who had a job, did not need to put themselves at the service of the Andrangheta. The gangs are not able to carry out sophisticated money laundering to do so they need professionals who have made themselves available ".

The "Rinascita-Scott" 

operation The maxi operation was carried out by the Carabinieri del Ros and the provincial command of Vibo Valentia at the request of the DDA against 334 people.

The 'Rinascita-Scott' operation disrupted all the 'Ndrangheta organizations operating in the Vibonese area and headed by the Mancuso clan of Limbadi.

A total of 416 suspects are accused in various ways of mafia association, murder, extortion, usury, fictitious registration of assets, money laundering and other crimes aggravated by mafia methods.    

Among those arrested - as Gratteri recalled - there are also politicians, lawyers, accountants, unfaithful officials of the state and Freemasons.

Among them also the former senator of Forza Italia Giancarlo Pittelli, lawyer, Gianluca Callipo, mayor of Pizzo Calabro (VV) and regional president of Anci.

Among those arrested also the former regional councilor of Margherita and then Pd, Pietro Giamborino.

Pittelli: "A hinge between businesses, politics and gangs"

, according to the ordinance "Pittelli was the hinge between businesses, politics and gangs".

And again, the former senator received "confidential news from men of the institutions and police forces".

At the same time as the precautionary custody order, the carabinieri also notified an order for the seizure of assets for a value of approximately 15 million euros.

The massive operation, the result of years of investigations, in addition to Calabria involves various regions of Italy where the 'Ndrangheta Vibonese has branched out: Lombardi, Piedmont, Veneto, Liguria, Emilia Romagna, Tuscany, Lazio, Sicily, Puglia, Campania and Basilicata.

Some suspects were located and arrested in Germany, Switzerland and Bulgaria in collaboration with the local police forces and in execution of a European arrest warrant issued by the judicial authority of Catanzaro.

2,500 carabinieri from the Ros and the Provincial Commands are involved in the operation, also supported by units of the GIS, the Parachute Regiment, the Hunting Airborne Squadrons, mobile units, air vehicles and dog units.

"Provision of 13,500 pages"

Several armored trucks, departing from a secret location, brought to Catanzaro the necessary documentation for the "Rebirth Scott" operation, which from the early hours of this morning made it possible to deal the hardest blow to 'Ndrangheta of recent years.

The number of printed pages is impressive: the entire provision consists of 13,500 pages and the order of the judge for preliminary investigations alone of 263. Overall, therefore, more than five million sheets have been printed, necessary to compose the measures to be notified to the suspects.

All this took place in a secret location, far from Calabria, to avoid leaks.

Political reactions

"Historic day for the fight against the 'Ndrangheta. 334 arrests, 416 suspects, about 3 thousand agents engaged. These are the numbers of the maxiblitz that dismantled all the clans in the Vibonese area. Numbers that show a State stronger than ever. Only one word to the investigators: thank you ".

Thus on Twitter the deputy questore of the 5 Star Movement in the Chamber Francesco D'Uva.

Fico: "The fight against organized crime is the country's priority"

“The fight against organized crime is the country's priority.

I congratulate and thank the Catanzaro District Anti-Mafia Directorate and the Carabinieri del Ros and the Vibo Valentia command for the conclusion of a massive operation against the 'Ndrangheta which has led to more than three hundred arrests, dismantling a criminal network that, starting from Calabria branched off into many regions of Italy and abroad.

Today is an important day for the State ". Thus the President of the Chamber, Roberto Fico.

Mangialavori:" A

fatal blow to all the 'Ndrangheta

clans "

" The one scored this morning is a fatal blow to all the' Ndrangheta clans that infest Calabria, Italy and many parts of Europe.

The thanks of all the honest citizens who have chosen to be on the side of the state and of legality go to the prosecutor of Catanzaro Nicola Gratteri, the magistrates of the DDA and the soldiers involved in the operation. Mangialavori

Verini: "Operation of great value"

"The operation ordered by the Public Prosecutor of Catanzaro and conducted by the Carabinieri del Ros and by the Provincial Command of Vibo Valentia against the 'Ndrangheta, is of great value. Our applause and gratitude go to all of them and to all the police forces. . It is the umpteenth demonstration of the ramifications and pervasiveness of the organized crime that cannot be faced and fought only in a local logic. Also for this reason we hope that all the instruments for combating the mafias will be strengthened also at European level. of criminal organizations, control of the territory, affirmation of a culture of legality starting from the schools are the necessary tools to face this real war. We need a joint commitment against this threat to civil coexistence ".

Thus Walter Verini Justice manager of the Democratic Party. 

Salvini: "Blitz is good for Calabria"

"Thanks to the Police for this cleaning operation that is good for Calabria. I can't wait for the regional elections to arrive on January 26 to offer good governance to this splendid land too, the efficiency and honesty of the League ".

Matteo Salvini says so, commenting on the maxi blitz against the 'Ndrangheta which triggered 334 arrests in Italy and abroad.