
January 12, 2021 The Russian prison administration has asked the Moscow Court to transform the conditional sentence for the opponent Alexei Navalny into a real one, i.e. imprisonment in prison.

The reason is "non-compliance with the obligations imposed by law, evasion of compensation for damages or committing a new crime".

The Penitentiary Administration of the Russian Federation (FSIN) accuses opposition politician Alexei Navalny of evasion of the signature requirement and inspectors' checks.

Navalny is abroad for rehabilitation following the attempted poisoning with “Novichok” nerve gas.

The prison administration, based on the foreign press, states that Navalny has already fully recovered since 12 October, so he should have returned to Russia and submitted to the obligation to sign.

Navalny's conditional sentence expired on 30 December, while his lawyer in Moscow was notified of the obligation to report to the inspectorate of the prison administration for checks only on 28 December.

For Navalny, the transformation of the conditional sentence into a real one means imprisonment for 3.5 years.

According to some observers, the move by the Russian prison administration could act as a deterrent to keep the opposition politician away from Russia.

Я также, хочу обратить внимание, что ФСИН требует посадить меня по делу, которое я выиграл в СПП.

Суд решил, что дело настолько сфабриковано, что там вообще нет состава преступления.

- Alexey Navalny (@navalny) January 12, 2021