The Minister of Health Olivier Véran had mentioned the possibility of making an appointment on the TousAntiCovid application to be vaccinated, without further details.

Secretary of State for Digital Cédric O explained that this will ultimately not be possible "for technical reasons".


From Thursday, it will be possible for people over the age of 75 to make an appointment to be vaccinated against the coronavirus.

Registration will be done either on the internet (the address has not yet been communicated) or by phone, Olivier Véran said last Thursday, during a government press conference.

The Minister of Health had mentioned a few days earlier, at the microphone of


, the possibility of registering on the TousAntiCovid application, without further details.


 - Coronavirus: follow the evolution of the situation Monday January 11

This will ultimately not be possible, said Secretary of State Cédric O, Monday noon in

La France Bouge

on Europe 1, advancing "technical reasons".

"We probably won't make appointments directly on TousAntiCovid," he said.

The list of vaccination centers available on the application

"From Thursday, the list of vaccination centers will be available to all French people by entering your address. There will be a queue and you can only be vaccinated if you answer the order of priority. This mapping of vaccination centers will be available on the app, "added Cédric O.

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"But you will probably not be able to make an appointment directly via TousAntiCovid for many technical reasons. Information on this vaccination campaign and the places where you can be vaccinated will in any case be available on TousAntiCovid", assured the secretary State in charge of Digital Transition and Electronic Communications.

Goal 15 million users for TousAntiCovid.

Cédric O also provided an update on the TousAntiCovid application.

After a very large ignition delay, it has now been downloaded over 12 million times.

But the Secretary of State concedes it: this figure remains largely insufficient to make it a fully effective tool in the fight against the spread of the virus.

"12.2 million is very good, but if we would like it to have a systemic impact it would have to be higher, around 15 million people minimum. We encourage people to download it and not to deactivate it" , did he declare.

"With the vaccine we might be tempted to say to ourselves that it is over, but it is not the case. We need people to continue to download it", he insisted.