
Wiesbaden (dpa / lhe) - Die Linke and the SPD criticize the conversion of the post of the Hessian state commissioner for expellees and ethnic repatriates from voluntary work into a main office.

Saadet Sönmez, spokeswoman for migration policy for the parliamentary group Die Linke, said on Monday that the “massive increase in pay” of the state commissioners was a single scandal.

The parliamentary managing director of the SPD parliamentary group, Günter Rudolph, had declared: "The case is a prime example of the felt and nepotism of the Hessian CDU."

The «Bild» newspaper had previously reported on the subject.

As it was said from the Ministry of the Interior in Wiesbaden, the upgrading of the staff position of the state commissioner for expellees and ethnic repatriates was agreed in the black-green coalition agreement.

"This decision is a conscious decision and focus of the state government," said a ministry spokesman.

The state commissioner Margarete Ziegler-Raschdorf (CDU) is now doing her job full-time and receives payment "which not only takes into account the considerable amount of work but also the importance of this office".

The state commissioner is paid non-tariff on the basis of a fixed remuneration, the amount of which is based on salary group B 2.

According to the state's salary table, this corresponds to a basic salary of more than 7600 euros.

The ministry did not explain how much the volunteer work was previously paid.


The SPD considers the changeover to be unnecessary and criticizes Interior Minister Peter Beuth (CDU).

"In other federal states, this work is partly done by the interior ministers themselves," said Rudolph about the task of the state commissioners.

The Left also accuses the country, among other things, of financing the position as “supporting a partially revisionist cultivation of tradition with tax money”.