“For me, smoking is practically no different from any other addiction.

And addiction is not so much a problem with the chemical you depend on, as with the lifestyle that you depend on and which provokes you into addiction.

In relation to nicotine addiction, this is absolutely true.

Therefore, you can quit smoking only by changing the mode of behavior, methods of communication, communication with the outside world.

As a rule, all this is coupled with the way you behave, ”the expert explained.

The specialist added that often the craving for smoking appears in some kind of social and communicative situations.

“If a person's desire to smoke is associated with a physiological need (for example, eating) or some social cliches of behavior (smoke break, company), this needs to be analyzed.

These ties must be broken.

First of all, abandon the situational structure that provokes you to use nicotine.

And then, if this is a deliberate, meaningful, repeated process, you will quit smoking, ”Zykov added.

He noted that he has nothing against nicotine patches in the process of quitting smoking, but has a negative attitude towards various kinds of electronic cigarettes.

“I do not like electronic methods of nicotine delivery, because the oral reflex, which is associated with tobacco smoking, is preserved, and so the substitution therapy for nicotine addiction in the form of nicotine patches has the right to exist.

But this is secondary, "the interlocutor of RT said.

Zykov also added that the absence of work in the office and smoke breaks with colleagues during the New Year holidays can help in the fight against the bad habit.

“Since the rhythm of life changes, the rhythm of communication with the outside world, this can be used.

These provoking factors, if they were provoking for this person, will just fade into the background, ”he concluded.

Earlier, Oksana Drapkina, the chief freelance physician of the Ministry of Health, said that smoking does not reduce the likelihood of contracting coronavirus infection COVID-19.